Hi! I'm Jiawen, a product designer passionate about creating meaningful experiences.

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AR Streaming

Watch NBA with AR

This project aims at contributing to sports communication and relationship marketing literature by suggesting empirical evidence of the fans’ needs and wants for the NBA digital content from users’ standpoint.

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A Bit Homey

Campus Delivery Mini Program

A Bit Homey is a mini program that was launched in 2018 to help pick up couriers between students at JNU. After five years, it has accumulated a user base of on two hundred thousand.

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Spiritual Tour

Meditation Gamification Training

Spiritual Tour is a meditation assistant game mainly for training beginners. It helps them to master the skills of focusing on meditation quickly, and practice in joy.

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Feed Pet

Vocabulary Learning Game

This is an animal raising game where children learn words by completing word learning tasks. It generates personalized daily tasks based on children's different learning situations to ensure effective learning.

In Process

Copyright Trading

The project works with Huawei Chain. This platform is for intervening in the already existing NFT ecosystem, for creating a stronger ecosystem. Currently the platform is still confidential

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—— 3D Modeling ——

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